658-668 Danforth Avenue

Are you aware that Del Boca Vista Properties Inc. intends to build a 49 storey skyscraper at Danforth and Pape (658-668 Danforth Avenue)?

Recommendations from the City-initiated Danforth Study were adopted by City Council in April 2022. Generally the new bylaw limits heights along the Danforth, between Broadview and Coxwell Avenue, to a mid-rise format at approximately 7 to 8 storeys.

While the City identified lands around both the Broadview and Pape subway stations for more study, the new policies are in force the interim. A number of landowners, including Del Boca Vista, have appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal. If successful, that could override the City plan and result in many skyscrapers along the Danforth.

Planning Issues

  • As the developer’s drawings show, this building is grossly out of proportion to the neighbourhood.   
  • There is no affordable housing proposed.
  • Only 7% of the skyscrapers in Toronto are higher; at least 1040 listed skyscrapers (93%) are lower.  
  • Unit sizes are small, and few are designed for families.
  • At street level this proposal creates another barren stretch on the Danforth devoid of diverse retail ventures.  
  • The developer’s own wind study shows that this building will create hostile conditions for pedestrians, particularly in winter 
  • Even the pedestal of this building dwarfs the buildings around it

Mid-rise buildings are enough

In April of 2022, the City of Toronto amended its Official Plan to adopt SASP #772, a new Site and Area Specific Policy (zoning), and Urban Design Guiidelines for building along Danforth Avenue from Broadview to Coxwell. The changes are intended to: 

  • Preserve the Danforth’s historic main street character — 3/4 of the buildings date to 1910-1929 or earlier, and there are many historically or culturally significant landmarks and building rows. 
  • Allow for “moderate incremental development” (7- to 8-storeys high) along the Avenue, especially with housing on upper storeys and appropriately scaled and designed spaces (retail, services, restaurants, etc.) at grade level. 
  • Improve the public realm and connections to surrounding neighbourhoods, parks, etc. 
  • Integrate sustainable design and green building
  • Contribute to creation of a complete street (people, bikes, patios, meeting spaces, green space and cars) and surrounding complete communities 

Over time, this could produce a mid-rise character for Danforth Avenue, about three times the height of its current average streetscape —  with low rise apartments or townhouses behind in some areas. 

Precedent Setting?

Along with their development application, the proponents analyzed existing or potential land assemblies in the immediate area of their proposed tower. They forecast six more potential towers, ranging from 25 to 49 storeys. 

Some Links for More Information

Danforth Study (Broadview to Coxwell) Urban Design Guidelines

Developer’s Application to the City

Search for Danforth and Pape (654-668 DANFORTH AVE). Application Number:  22 185127 STE 14 OZ


Ontario Land Tribunal Case OLT-22-000444 – 654-668 Danforth Ave 

Del Boca Vista’s appeal to the OLT is being opposed by the City of Toronto and Metrolinx has joined in 


Challenge to develop in Ontario may not be as acute as we are being told

Ontario has over a million homes in the pipeline, but needs developers to put shovels in the ground 


Supplementary Report on amendments to the Danforth Study Urban Design Guidelines

Ontario Land Tribunal Case OLT-22-003830 – Implement the Danforth Study