The City of Toronto adopted policy and guidelines for the future development of the Danforth last year. They allow for increased density with an emphasis on preserving the neighbourhood’s unique historical character to create an affordable, vibrant, and inclusive community. Under those guidelines, most of the buildings along the Danforth would be held to a maximum height of about 8 storeys.

But some developers are envisioning something completely different.  Del Boca Vista Properties Inc. has already applied to build a 49-storey skyscraper at the NE corner of Danforth and Pape.

This project, if approved, will set a precedent for a series of high-rise applications that are expected to follow. The developer’s Block Context Plan suggests six more potential high-rises just around the Pape station. That vision of our neighbourhood as a series of skyscrapers is in stark contrast to the City of Toronto’s mid-rise vision.

If you are in favour of a more appropriate approach to increasing the density of the Danforth while at the same time preserving its unique character as a vibrant, livable neighbourhood, PLEASE JOIN US BY SIGNING OUR PETITION.

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